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Error Handling

The table below defines common error codes encountered in Dispatch Pro responses.

Error CodeDefinitionPotential Solution
304Not modifiedConfirm that the request body differs from the item’s current state.
400Model validation errorCheck message for more details and try the request again once all errors have been addressed.
401UnauthorizedMake sure that your access token has not expired; Generate a new token.
403Invalid access to resourceConfirm that the item you are trying to access belongs to your AgSync organization ID.
404Item not foundConfirm that item of interest exists.
409Conflict, version specified does not match expected version of the resourceConfirm that the version of the request body is up-to-date with the current state of the item. If it is not, update it and try the request again.
415Unsupported media typeConfirm Content-Type header represents the type of request body being passed.
500Internal server errorReport error message to