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Determining Units of Measure

The slingshot API will return differing UOMs depending on the display which produced the file and the method of application being performed. File information is provided by the Job Data - Detail endpoint.

There are three specific formats which can be requested:

  • BIN: The original As Applied zip file as the Field Computer produced it
  • SHP: A zip file containing the shapefiles representing the As Applied data
  • FMIS: A zip file containing extended XML and TAB suitable for Farm Manage Information Systems software

Additional file details may also be obtained by performing a call to the job data detail endpoint,{fileid}.

SHP Format

To determine the UOM used, it is necessary to determine the file type being processed. There is multiple methods to identify which device produced a file. In both cases the first step is to perform a call to the Job Data - by file id endpoint to retrieve file details.

  1. The response of the file detail endpoint includes in FieldComputer ID. If the access token has access to the field computer, an API call can be performed to Field Computers - by id to receive the DeviceType.
"ID": "Test",
"Name": "AgSYnc Sprayer #1",
"DeviceType": "VIPER4PLUS",
"Status": "Not In Job",
"RemoteAccess": true,
"WebAccess": true,
"FieldHubID": "dsgd9346dgg046",
"SoftwareVersion": "",
"LastReportDate": "2023-01-25T14:22:42Z"
  1. The response of the file detail call will return one of 3 Job Types: a SprayerJob, YieldJob, or PlanterJob. Depending on the type, there will also be an element returned which is of the same name. Within this element there is an element named SoftwareVersion. The SoftwareVersion includes additional details of what type of device may have produced the file for example a response of VIPER4PLUS,, RAD 2.2 would indicate that a Viper4 had produced the file.
"DeviceFileName": "TwoBinSingleProducts.jdp",
"CreateDate": "2021-10-09T15:19:54Z",
"UpdateDate": "2021-10-09-T15:20:45Z",
"FieldComputer": "SomeTest",
"JobType": "Sprayer",
"SprayerJob": {
"ID": "45033119",
"JobName": "TwoBinSingleProducts",
"FileName": "TwoBinSingleProducts.jdp",
"StartDate": "2019-12-09T12:03:00",
"EndDate": "2019-12-09T12:08:01",
"SoftwareVersion": "VIPER4PLUS,, RAD 2.2",
"AverageSpeed": "7.396066",
"CustomerName": "Raven Innovation Campus - Raven Innovation Campus",
"CustomerAddress": "12345 254th St., Baltic, South Dakota, 67890",
"CustomerNumber": "783068"

Epro and Vpro

Epro and Vpro files do not have a specified standard unit. Units can be in any format listed below:

Gallons / AcreLiters / Ha
Ounces /AcreMilliliters / Ha
Ounces / GallonMilliliters / Liter
Pounds / AcreKilograms / Ha

Viper 4 and CRX

When a file is returned from either of these models, it is necessary to determine the ProductType being applied. As mentioned above under Device Identification option 1, there is different elements returned from the field computer details endpoint response. Each response has additional details under each Product element which includes a ProductType.

Refer to the table below for the corresponding UOM for a given ProductType. Products have a Name element which can be used as a reference between the .dbf file of the shapefile and the response of the product details.

LiquidLIQUIDLiters / Ha
GranularGRANULARKg / Ha
Injection Ratio RateLIQUID_INJECTIONLiters / Liter
PlanterPLANTERCount / Ha

FMIS Format

The FMIS (Farm Management Information Software) file output references International Standards Organization (ISO) 11783 Data Dictionary Items (DDIs). FMIS files reference an Implement element, of which Segment details the Ingredients being applied. Under each Segment there is a SegmentFormat tab formant element, which has a EquipmentSection. The Equipment Section References columns in the associated .tab file.

A description of DDIs and their units are listed below.

Base System ISO DDIs

The following lists the ISOBUS DDIs that are currently used by Raven's base systems. Note, since some of Raven's systems allow for all ISOBUS DDIs to be recorded one may get an ISOBUS DDI that is not on this list.

The information for these DDIs can be found at the following website which holds the ISOBUS Data Dictionary, at ISOBUS Reference.

1Setpoint Volume Per Area Application Rate
2Actual Volume Per Area Application Rate
6Setpoint Mass Per Area Application Rate
7Actual Mass Per Area Application Rate
11Setpoint Count Per Area Application Rate
12Actual Count Per Area Application Rate
87Mass Per Time Yield
90Yield Total Mass
99Crop Moisture
121Product Density Mass Per Volume
141Actual Work State
197Setpoint Pump Output Pressure
198Actual Pump Output Pressure

Raven DDI Dictionary

Listed below is information on Raven DDIs.

DD EntityDefinitionNotesTypically Used Device ClassUnit SymbolResolutionRangeRevision NumberDate Added
10 - Target RateThe set rate that the user desired to have applied.The units of this value are not defined.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer

6 - Sprayers
11 - Actual RateThe applied rate that the system actually applied.The units of this value are not defined.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer

6 - Sprayers
12 - Ingredient IdThe Ingredient Id of the ingredient that was actually applied.This identifier corresponds with the ingredients for this implement in the XML file.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer

6 - Sprayers

7 - Harvesters
Identifier10 to 2147483647107/23/2014
13 - Section StatusThe ON or OFF status of the section.1 - ON

0 - OFF
4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer

6 - Sprayers

7 - Harvesters
Status10 to 1108/11/2014
14 - Setpoint Volume Per Area Application RateSetpoint Application Rate specified as volume per area.6 - SprayersL/Ha; Volume in liters per area in hectares0.0010 to 2147483647108/11/2014
15 - Actual Volume Per Area Application RateActual Application Rate specified as volume per area.6 - SprayersL/Ha; Volume in liters per area in hectares0.0010 to 2147483647108/11/2014
16 - Setpoint Mass Per Area Application RateSetpoint Application Rate specified as mass per area.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer
kg/Ha; Mass in kilograms per area in hectares0.010 to 2147483647108/11/2014
17 - Actual Mass Per Area Application RateActual Application Rate specified as mass per area.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer
kg/Ha; Mass in kilograms per area in hectares0.010 to 2147483647108/11/2014
18 - Setpoint Revolutions Per Time Application RateSetpoint Spinner Rate specified as revolutions per time.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer
Rev/M; Revolutions per minute10 to 2147483647108/11/2014
19 - Actual Revolutions Per Time Application RateActual Spinner Rate specified as revolutions per time.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer
Rev/M; Revolutions per minute10 to 2147483647108/11/2014
20 - Setpoint System PressureSetpoint System Pressure.This is used to set the pressure to keep the system when using NH3.5 - Fertilizer/NH3kilopascals; Pressure in the system0.010 to 2147483647108/11/2014
21 - Actual System PressureActual System Pressure.The actual pressure in the system when using NH3.5 - Fertilizer/NH3kilopascals; Pressure in the system0.010 to 2147483647108/11/2014
22 - Product IdThe Product Id of the product that was actually applied.This identifier corresponds with the product for this implement in the XML file.4 - Planters/Seeders

5 - Fertilizer

6 - Sprayers

7 - Harvesters
Identifier10 to 2147483647107/23/2014