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The table below contains Dispatch Pro related terms. Their abbreviations and definitions are also listed.

AccountAn account is a placeholder for where orders originate from. This can be a Company location, Physical location, or salesperson.
AssignmentAssignment of a field operation to an equipment.
AutomationA rule within your Dispatch Pro account that automatically performs a specific action with work orders and dispatches.
BatchA batch is a generic amount of products which will may be mixed, then applied.
Batch GroupThe combination of products across jobs into a set of defined batches for delivery to the field.
CreatorThe person or user who created the field operation.
CompletedThe status of the order when a completion is added.
Completed acresThe amount of acres.
CompletionAn application of product in which the completed area is recorded.
CustomerThe person who owns the farm, field, and zone in which product is being applied.
DepotA string value in Dispatch Pro which represents where a product may be dispensed from. This value often matches a physical location of where the product is housed or is an inventory location from an ERP system.
Field OperationAn order in Dispatch Pro that includes the products to be applied to a defined area.
Merged PrescriptionTwo field operations with prescriptions that have been combined to represent a single prescription.
MixA combination of specific products that are applied together.
Mixing StationA mixing station represents a physical location or device which is responsible for mixing product prior to application. Typically, this represents a physical blending device such as a Kahler, Murray, or Ranco.
OperatorThe person who is operating the application equipment.
Operation TypeDescribes the operation in terms of application method, product state of matter, and rate type.
Ordered acresThe amount of acres ordered for application.
OrganizationAn organization represents a company which persons work for whom either request services or are a service provider.
Pre-ReleasedThe status of a field operation that has not yet been released for scheduling.
ReleasedAn operation that has been released and is ready to be scheduled.
RequesterThe requester is a string which represents who is requesting a service to take place. Typically, this value is a Salesperson, Location, or Account.
ScheduledThe status of the order when an assignment has been made.
SenderThe person or user who progressed the field operation to a different status.
Service ProviderThe company who is providing the application services.
StatusPre-released, Released, Scheduled, Completed, and Verified represent the options for order status.
SupplierThese are accounts in AgSync which are used to specify a location where product will be dispensed from. The Suppliers a user has access to may be different than the Accounts a user has access to.
TargetThe crop that product is applied to in an order.
UserThe person who is logged in to Dispatch Pro.
VerificationConfirming that the completion information is accurate and finalized.
VerifiedThe status of the order when a verification is added.