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Field Hub Data

Most of the Field Hub related API calls will return data that is coming into the Slingshot system from the Field Hub itself. This page will help interpret those values.

Field NameDescriptionTypeUnitsRangeNotes
ActiveIndicates whether or not the Field Hub is currently reporting into the Slingshot system.Booleantrue or false
ValidIndicates if the Field Hub is currently reporting a valid GPS position.Booleantrue or false
LatLatitude.Decimaldecimal degrees-90.0 to 90.0
LonLongitude.Decimaldecimal degrees-180.0 to 180.0
AltAltitude.32 bit Integermeters relative to sea level-2147483648 to 2147483647Treated as 32 bit integer in API, practical values will come from a much narrower range.
SpeedSpeed over ground.Bytekilometers per hour0 to 255
DirectionCourse over ground.32 bit Integertrack angle degrees0 to 360
GPSSatNumber of satellites Field Hub is tracking.Byte0 to 255The upper limit is determined by number of GPS satellites actually orbiting the planet.
GPSDateTimeTime Stamp as reported by the GPS in the Field Hub.DateTime'1000-01-01 00:00:00' UTC to '9999-12-31 23:59:59' UTCPractical values will be in recent time periods; can be null.This value is in UTC.

Formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ'.
IDUnique id for this record; can be used by the program to determine if this record has already been downloaded / processed.64 bit Integer0 to 9223372036854775807
EventThe event that triggered the Field Hub report.String"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "16", "17", "30", "31"1 - Digital Input 1 state change

2 - Digital Input 2 state change

3 - Digital Input 3 state change

4 - Digital Input 4 state change

5 - 5 second update

16 - Ignition Power On

17 - Ignition Power Off

30 - 30 second update

31 - 30 second update
DeviceIdThis is the actual Device ID.StringN/A
GPSFixIndicates if the GPS antenna is 'fixed' onto a group of satellites.Booleantrue or false
RSSIReceive Signal Strength Indicator in dBm.Signed BytedBm-103.0 to -85.05 bar(s) is RSSI >= -85.0

4 bar(s) is -85.0 > RSSI >= -90.0

3 bar(s) is -90.0 > RSSI >= -95.0

2 bar(s) is -95.0 > RSSI >= -100.0

1 bar(s) is -100.0 > RSSI >= -103.0

0 bar(s) is -103.0 > RSSI
IgnitionIgnition State.Booleantrue or false
DigitalInput1State of Digital Input 1 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
DigitalInput2State of Digital Input 2 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
DigitalInput3State of Digital Input 3 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
DigitalInput4State of Digital Input 4 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
AnalogInput1Value received on Analog Input 1 on the back of the Field Hub.Double0.0 to 15.0Interpretation is application specific.
AnalogInput2Value received on Analog Input 2 on the back of the Field Hub.Double0.0 to 15.0Interpretation is application specific.
AnalogInput3Value received on Analog Input 3 on the back of the Field Hub.Double0.0 to 15.0Interpretation is application specific.
AnalogInput4Value received on Analog Input 4 on the back of the Field Hub.Double0.0 to 15.0Interpretation is application specific.
BatteryVoltageValue of the voltage as measured on the Field Hub power input connection.Doublevolts0.0 to 30.0
DigitalOutput1State of Digital Output 1 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
DigitalOutput2State of Digital Output 2 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
DigitalOutput3State of Digital Output 3 on the back of the Field Hub.Booleantrue or falseInterpretation is application specific.
ServerDateTimeThe UTC Date and Time of when the record was written to the Slingshot system.DateTime'1970-01-01 00:00:01' UTC to '2038-01-19 03:14:07' UTCPractical values will be in recent time periods; can be null.This value is in UTC.

Formatted as 'YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ'.
OdometerDistance the Field Hub has traveled in hectometers.Unsigned 32 bit Integerhectometers0 to 4294967295This is calculated from the distance the Field Hub has traveled between fixed GPS locations.
ServiceThe name of the service the Field Hub is currently using.StringN/AThis value comes directly from the Field Hub.

Some values commonly seen are: "", "NONE", "1xRTT", "EVDO", "EVDO.A", "GPRS", "EDGE", "UMTS", and "HSPA".
CarrierThe name of the wireless carrier the Field Hub is currently using.StringN/AThis value comes directly from the Field Hub.

Some values commonly seen are: "AT&T", "Bell", and "Verizon".
RoamAn indicator that the Field Hub is in 'Roaming' mode, as determined by the Field Hub.StringN/A"" - Roaming status cannot be determined.

"00" - Field Hub is not roaming.

Any other value - Field Hub is roaming.