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Job Data

For any type of job, several details can be noted.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
Device File Namenvarchar(100)The name of the job file as it was saved on the field computer.
Create DateDatetimeUTC - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZThe date / time (in UTC) of when the file was uploaded to slingshot.
Update DateDatetimeUTC - YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZThe date / time (in UTC) of the most recent update the slingshot system made to this file.
StatusStringThe state of the file in the slingshot system. Refer to table below.
Job Typenvarchar(50)One of Yield, AsApplied, or Planter.
Available FilesStringList of URLs that can be used to download more information about this job (shape files, rad file).
IDintInternal record id of this job data.
File Namenvarchar(100)The base file name for this job (Planter and Yield).
Job Namenvarchar(100)The base file name for this job (Sprayer).
Start DateDatetimeThe date / time of when the job was started on the field computer (only as accurate as the field computer date / time settings).
End DateDatetimeThe date / time of when the job was ended on the field computer (only as accurate as the field computer date / time settings).
Software Versionnvarchar(50)Should be set to the version string of the field computer, but is often empty.

Job Status

A job file has a status, returned as a string.

Response StringDescription
CONVERSION_STATUS_FAILEDGeneral error, no detail available
CONVERSION_STATUS_FILE_NOT_FOUNDCannot access the source file
CONVERSION_STATUS_FAILED_CONVERTConversion utility returned a failed status
CONVERSION_STATUS_INVALID_JOB_DATA_FILEConversion utility returned a failed status

Job Type

A job can have one of several types, such as the following:

  • Sprayer
  • Planter
  • Yield

Based upon the job type of the job id specified, several details are also included alongside the general job details above.


Jobs returning this type also contain details on weather, applied product, and product ingredients.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
Customer Namenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Customer Addressnvarchar(100)Free form text value on field computer.
Customer Numbernvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Operator Namenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Operator Addressnvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Operator Licensenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Field Namenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Field Sectionnvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Field Countynvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Field Townshipnvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Field Cropnvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Field Areanvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Application Typenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Soil Conditionnvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Moisturenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Tip Sizenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Average Speednvarchar(50)The average speed of the job in m/s.
Weather Observation Timenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Weather Temperaturenvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Weather Wind Speednvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Weather Humiditynvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.
Weather Wind Directionnvarchar(50)Free form text value on field computer.

List of Products for this Job

Each product applied has associated details.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
IDintInternal id of the product in slingshot.
Product NumberintThe sequential id of the products in this job (0 based).
Product Namenvarchar(50)The name of the product as the operator entered it.
Applied VolumefloatvariesThe total volume of the product applied (units come from how the field computer is configured).
Applied Areafloatsquare meterThe total area that this product was applied.
Target RatefloatvariesThe target rate for this product (units come from how the field computer is configured).
Target Rate MinfloatvariesThe minimum rate this product was applied (units come from how the field computer is configured).
Target Rate MaxfloatvariesThe maximum rate this product was applied (units come from how the field computer is configured).
Geospatial Min Valuefloat
Geospatial Max Valuefloat
Geospatial Avg Valuefloat
Geospatial Acresfloat
Is MixedbitBoolean value indicating if this product is mixed.

List of Ingredients for this Product

Each ingredient has associated details. These are only included if a product has Is Mixed set to TRUE.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
IDintInternal id of this ingredient.
Namenvarchar(50)Text entered by operator.
Manufacturernvarchar(50)Text entered by operator.
EPA Numbernvarchar(50)Text entered by operator.
Target Pestsnvarchar(50)Text entered by operator.
Mix Rationvarchar(50)Text entered by operator.


Jobs returning this type also contain details on the area and applied product.

List of Products for this Job

Each product has associated details.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
IDintInternal id of the product in slingshot.
Product namenvarchar(100)square meterThe name of the product as entered into the field computer screens.
Applied areafloatThe total area of the job.
Target RatefloatThe target rate for this product (units are however the field computer is configured).
Target MinimumfloatThe minimum rate that was used for this product (units are however the field computer is configured).
Target MaximumfloatThe maximum rate that was used for this product (units are however the field computer is configured).
Average Weight per Areafloatkg/haThe average weight per area.

List of Applied Product for the Products

Each applied product associated details.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
IDintProduct sequential number.
TypestringApplied Product type.
BrandstringApplied Product provider.
VarietystringApplied Product name.
RowintComma Separated ValuesList of implement positions used for the applied product.


Jobs returning this type also contain details on the area and crop product.

List of Products for this Job

Each product has associated details.

Field NameData TypeUnit/FormatDescription
IDintInternal id of the product in slingshot.
Product Namenvarchar(100)The name of the product as entered into the field computer screens.
Applied Areafloatsquare meterThe total area of the job.
Total WeightfloatkgThe total weight of the job.
Total BushelsfloatbushelsThe total volume.
Average Weight per Areafloatkg/haThe average weight per area.