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32 docs tagged with "api-calls"

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Access Key - Summary

When accessing /AccessKey via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return an XML document that contains the summary data of the Access Key contained in the request headers. This data can be used to determine the cause of any 'Invalid Access Key' messages from the server.


Relevant swagger documentation on these APIs can be found below.

Agronomic Assets

Relevant swagger documentation on these APIs can be found below.

API Calls

The platform offers numerous API calls to access different types of data, such as:

API Calls

The platform offers numerous API calls to access different types of data.

API Calls

The platform offers API calls to access several types of data, such as:

Dispatch Pro

Swagger documentation for Dispatch Pro can be found by following the link below:

Field Computer - Detail

When accessing /FieldComputers/ via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with a Field Computer Details XML document that describes the details of the Field Computer identified by {id}. Viper Pro and Envizio Pro are not supported. FieldHubID identifies the ID of the last Field Hub that was connected to that Field Computer.

Field Computer - Job Data

Each Field Computer can have many files associated with it. Some of these files come from the Field Computer itself such as As Applied Files and Yield Data (referred to as Job Data by the API). Others are sent to the Field Computer, such as Prescription Maps. The Slingshot API provides methods for manipulating the Field Computer associations of these files.

Field Computer - Prescription Maps

Each Field Computer can have many files associated with it. Some of these files come from the Field Computer itself such as As Applied Files and Yield Data (referred to as Job Data by the API). Others are sent to the Field Computer, such as Prescription Maps, AgX recommendations and work orders. The Slingshot API provides methods for manipulating the Field Computer associations of these files.

Field Computer - Summary

When accessing /FieldComputers URI via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return an XML document that contains the summary data of all Field Computers that are assigned to the API Key and Access Key contained in the request headers. This data will contain URI values that point to the details for each Field Computer in the list.

Field Hub - Current Location

A Field Hub reports its GPS location to the server every 30 seconds. When accessing /FieldHubs/:id/CurrentLocation via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return an XML document that contains the current most recent location registered for the Field Hub identified by .

Field Hub - Current Location for All

A Field Hub registers its GPS location every 30 seconds. When accessing /FieldHubs/all/CurrentLocation via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return an XML document that contains the most recent location of all the Field Hubs that are assigned to the API Key and Access Key contained in the request headers.

Field Hub - Detail

When accessing /FieldHubs/ via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with a Slingshot Index document that describes the details of the Field Hub identified by {id}.

Field Hub - Last Report for All

When accessing /FieldHubs/all via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return an XML document that contains all the last report for all Field Hubs that have been registered for the Field Hubs that are assigned to the API Key and Access Key contained in the request headers.

Field Hub - Location History

A Field Hub reports its GPS location to the server every 30 seconds. When accessing /FieldHubs/:id/Locations via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return a document that contains all the locations that have been registered for the Field Hub identified by in descending order.

Field Hub - Summary

When accessing /FieldHubs URI via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return a Slingshot Index document that contains the summary data of all Field Hubs that are assigned to the Access Key contained in the request headers. This data will contain URI values that point to the details for each Field Hub in the list.

Grain Cart - Detail

When accessing /GrainCart/ via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with the GrainCart details in XML/JSON format. This same call will respond with file data if the query string has format parameter like /GrainCart/{id}?format=bin. The value of the parameter controls the format of the returned data.

Grain Cart - Summary

When accessing /GrainCart via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return a XML document that contains summary data.

Grain Cart - Upload

When accessing /GrainCart via POST, the Slingshot API Server will expect the request body to consist of a file with GRC extension that contains Grain Cart data from a bridge device.

Job Data - Detail

When accessing /JobData/ via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with the Job Data details in XML/JSON format. This same call will respond with binary a file if the query string has format parameter like /JobData/{id}?format=bin. The value of the parameter controls the format of the returned data.

Job Data - Prescription Maps

When accessing /JobData//PrescriptionMaps via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return an XML document that contains a list of Prescription Map summaries that were used to generate the Job Data file referenced by {id}. Additional details regarding these Prescription Maps can be retrieved by issuing a GET request on any of these returned URIs.

Job Data - Summary

When accessing /JobData via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return a document that contains the summary data of all As Applied Files that are assigned to the Access Key contained in the request headers. This data will contain URI values that point to the details for each As Applied File in the list. Job Data Summary is returned in created date descending order.

Job Data - Upload

When accessing /JobData via POST, the Slingshot API Server will expect the request body to consist of a compressed container (a ZIP file) that contains Job Data from a Field Computer. Complex file with multiple directories zipped into a single archive is not supported by the API.

Orders and Jobs

Relevant swagger documentation on these APIs can be found below.

Prescription Maps - Detail

When accessing /PrescriptionMaps/ via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with a XML/json document that contains the details of the file.

Prescription Maps - Summary

When accessing /PrescriptionMaps via GET, the Slingshot API Server will return a XML document with summary data.

Prescription Maps - Upload

When accessing /PrescriptionMaps via POST, if the FileType is 'RX' the Slingshot API Server will expect the request body to consist of a compressed container (a ZIP file) that contains a single shape file presented as .shp, .shx, \*.dbf. Complex file with multiple shape files zipped into a single archive is not supported by the API. If the FileType is AGX then the file can either be a simple or complex file and must have extension.