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Grain Cart - Detail

When accessing /GrainCart/{id} via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with the GrainCart details in XML/JSON format. This same call will respond with file data if the query string has format parameter like /GrainCart/{id}?format=bin. The value of the parameter controls the format of the returned data.

The available formats are:

  • BIN: The original GRC file

HTTP Method and URL


URL Parameters

idThe {id} portion of the URI is taken from the XML Document returned by a GET request to the /GrainCart URI.

HTTP Query Parameters

To learn more about these parameters, read about Result Set Paging.

pagesize[Optional] Number of rows to return for a result page.
page[Optional] Specific result page to return.

HTTP Headers

To learn more about these parameters, read about Authentication.

X-SS-AccessKey[Required] Token issued to a Slingshot user from the Raven Slingshot Portal Server.
X-SS-APIKey[Required] Token issued to the Slingshot developer from Raven.
X-SS-Signature[Required] The signature generated for a specific request.
X-SS-TimeStamp[Required] The timestamp of when the request was generated.