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Job Data - Detail

When accessing /JobData/{id} via GET, the Slingshot API Server will respond with the Job Data details in XML/JSON format. This same call will respond with binary a file if the query string has format parameter like /JobData/{id}?format=bin. The value of the parameter controls the format of the returned data.

The available formats are:

  • BIN: The original As Applied zip file as the Field Computer produced it
  • SHP: A zip file containing the shape files representing the As Applied data
  • FMIS: A zip file containing extended XML and TAB suitable for Farm Manage Information Systems software

If the job did not contain any coverage the server will respond with 200 OK response containing the following:

<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->
<slingshotresponse xmlns="">
<errorinfo>No coverage available.</errorinfo>

If the conversion failed the errorInfo tag will contain a description of why the conversion failed. If the file format requested is not yet available, the server will respond with 200 OK response containing the following:

<!--?xml version="1.0"?-->
<slingshotresponse xmlns="">

The value in the tag is a time span value that the API client should wait before attempting to re-request the file.

HTTP Method and URL


URL Parameters

idThe {id} portion of the URI is taken from the XML Document returned by a GET request to the /JobData URI.

HTTP Query Parameters

To learn more about these parameters, read about Result Set Paging.

pagesize[Optional] Number of rows to return for a result page.
page[Optional] Specific result page to return.

HTTP Headers

To learn more about these parameters, read about Authentication.

X-SS-AccessKey[Required] Token issued to a Slingshot user from the Raven Slingshot Portal Server.
X-SS-APIKey[Required] Token issued to the Slingshot developer from Raven.
X-SS-Signature[Required] The signature generated for a specific request.
X-SS-TimeStamp[Required] The timestamp of when the request was generated.